
On the Narrative page you can add more details to your chart with up to 10,000 characters. Like other free-text fields, the narrative page allows you to manually type in the values you need.


  • If your device has a microphone and dictation is enabled in the device settings, you can use voice-to-text for free-text fields. Voice-to-text capabilities are enabled solely by the native tools on the user's device and are not part of the ZOLL emsCharts NOW functionality provided by ZOLL.

  • Currently, the Narrative page will always display in the ZOLL emsCharts NOW application regardless of your Service configuration. However, if your Service has the Narrative section disabled, any data entered on this page will not be included in the chart once you upload your chart to ZOLL emsCharts Web.


Learn how to upload your chart, capture signatures, or go back to the Patient Care Report landing page.